Complete and Return to:

Fairport Harbor Historical Society
129 Second Street
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077


Last Name _____________________________  First Name__________________________  MI_____

Address ____________________________________

City _______________________________________

State____________ Zip ___________

Telephone (___) _______________

E-Mail Address _______________________________

Type of Membership

_____ Regular $15.00

_____ Couple $25.00

_____ Patron   $40.00 _____ Life      $250.00

Please mark your calendars, Meeting times, the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM
at the Marine Museum. ( No meetings in Nov. and Dec.)

* Please indicate if you are interested in any of the following:

______ Working the Gift Counter when the Museum is open.

______ Helping with the Building and Grounds Committee.

______ Helping with the Publicity Committee.

______ Helping with the Newsletter.

______ Other

Signature___________________________________ Date_________________

"To Preserve and Perpetuate Historical Tradition and Sentiment in Fairport Harbor and the Great Lakes"
Founded 1945